Thursday, January 30, 2014

Developing True Self Awareness

Have you ever had a boss or a co-worker who consistently spoke out of turn?  Perhaps you have had a boss or a co-worker who dresses inappropriately or has a bizarre hair style.  Maybe they had a problem with burping out loud or body odor. You may have even encountered a boss or a co-worker that is extremely arrogant or abrasive when it come to interacting with others.  Even more disturbing, have you ever known someone at work who believes their performance is stellar when the reality is this person is a very poor performer.  Maybe, just maybe, this paragraph somehow describes YOU but you just don't know it.  How others see you is critical in terms of how you see yourself.  In fact, if there is a significant gap in how others see you and how you see yourself, your career could very well be in jeopardy.

Personal Aptitude can be defined as understanding and managing your own behavior, emotions and attitude.  Personal Aptitude requires self control. 

 Social Aptitude can be defined as being able to pick up on how other people are feeling and using that awareness to manage relationships with others.   High levels of Social Aptitude require intentional observation and intuitiveness.  In other words, you have to have enough awareness to be able to see what is not obvious. 

The key to increasing both your personal and social aptitude is being willing to receive feedback.  This is why leaders go through 3-5 360 Degree Feedback assessments over the span of their careers.  However, there has to be a strong element of trust to say what needs to be said and to hear what needs to be heard.  Developing this trust means developing an openness to tough messages and the humility to change. 

Start your journey to increasing your self awareness today by reading Job-portunity:  Your Career GPS - Going Places Successfully in the World of Work.

Job-portunity official book trailer:


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